Måned: august 2023
MID submits PFAS data to EFSA
We are pleased to announce that EFFOP (European fishmeal and fish oil producers) has successfully submitted a comprehensive dataset profiling Poly- and Perfluoroalkyl Substances (PFAS) in fishmeal to the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA).
In direct response to EFSA’s “Call for continuous collection of chemical contaminants occurrence data in food and feed,” EFFOP has shared a robust dataset comprising data from 175 distinct fishmeal batches. We have engaged proactively with journalists, policy makers, scientists, and the public, fostering a comprehensive understanding of the implications surrounding PFAS contamination.
The significance of EFSA’s role in upholding food and feed safety cannot be overstated. The dataset shared by EFFOP will be a foundational resource for well-informed risk assessments, laying the groundwork for prudent risk management strategies concerning future PFAS levels in feed. Notably, EFFOP’s investigation stands as the most extensive of its kind to date in monitoring PFAS levels within fishmeal. This is particularly vital due to the dearth of comprehensive data, especially within the European context.
In essence, the data underscores that PFAS levels within European fishmeal exhibit strong context-specific variation, influenced by factors such as species and spatial-temporal dynamics. Noteworthy is the calculated average across the 175 samples, which stands at 4.6 ng/g, comfortably within the EU limit of 8 ng/g applicable to most marine fish species.
This data submission marks a significant stride forward in our ongoing efforts to comprehensively understand and mitigate the impact of PFAS in fishmeal. Through collective and diligent endeavours, we are actively shaping a more informed and responsible approach to addressing this challenge. As an additional quality parameter, PFAS levels are now routinely assessed for each fishmeal batch by producers and are available upon customer request.
For further information or inquiries, please do not hesitate to reach out to MID at Mid@maring.org
Annual report for 2022: No illegal substances found in Norwegian farmed fish
Every year, the Institute of Marine Research checks Norwegian farmed fish for illegal pharmaceuticals, legally used veterinary drugs and environmental toxins, on behalf of the Norwegian Food Safety Authority. The monitoring programme is regulated by the EEA Agreement, and is part of the EU’s monitoring programme on animal foods. According to EU legislation, all food producing animals should be monitored for certain substances and residues thereof. In 2022, 3008 samples were analysed, comprising a total of 15,040 farmed fish. Samples examined for illegal compounds are collected at all stages of farming and are representative of farmed fish under production.
The newest report summarises the monitoring data collected in 2022 on the status of illegal substances, pharmaceuticals and contaminants in Norwegian farmed fish. One-third of the samples were analysed for substances with anabolic effects or unauthorized substances. These samples were taken from fish farms and of all life stages of the fish. No residues of illegal compounds were detected. The rest of the samples were taken at a slaughterhouse and analysed for traces of undesirable substances. Here, residue concentrations for all samples were below the respective Maximum Residue Limits (MRLs). Other veterinary drugs, like antibiotics or drugs used against internal parasites were also not found. Lastly, no environmental contaminants were found above the EU maximum level.
As in previous years, the monitoring data for 2022 showed that the levels in farmed fish do not exceed the limit values of pollutants. On 1 Januar this year, limit values for PFAS in fish products were also introduced, however, no measurable levels of PFAS were found in the samples analyzed. All in all, the case of the farmed fish in Norway shows that farmed fish are within healthy ranges when it comes to the status of illegal substances, pharmaceuticals and contaminants. Marine Ingredients Denmark welcomes the annual monitoring programme by the Norwegian authorities to ensure reliable data on scientific terms. To reduce the carbon footprint from farmed fish, Marine Ingredients Denmark advocates for the substition of plant-based feed ingredients in fish feed with marine ingredients such as fishmeal and fish oil, as a 2017 SINTEF report finds.
Read the 2022 report by the Norwegian Institute of Marine Research here.
Exploring Innovative Fisheries Management: DNA-Based Species Composition Assessment
Marine Ingredients Denmark is excited to introduce the DNAMIX project, aimed at transforming the way we monitor and manage species composition within mixed catches from mixed pelagic fisheries. As a project partner, Marine Ingredients is at the forefront of advancing sustainable fishing practices while ensuring the preservation of marine biodiversity.
Project Objectives:
The DNAMIX project has a clear goal: to improve fisheries management by harnessing the potential of DNA-based methods to accurately assess species composition in mixed catches. In today’s diverse fishing landscape, where multiple species are often caught together, precision in identifying the proportions of different species is crucial for maintaining healthy fish stocks and adhering to regulation.
For many species of commercial fish, there are various stocks that mix in time and space outside the spawning season which poses potential management challenges. High-resolution genetic methods have proven to be an effective and accurate tool for understanding the biology of different populations and estimating the contribution of the various stock components in mixed fisheries.
The project will improve current knowledge gaps by establishing practical sampling methods that optimize the collection and processing of samples for DNA analysis and address technical sources of variation that could influence the reliability of DNA-based species identification. The project will also focus on understanding the biological factors that impact DNA-based species identification and contribute crucial insights to current knowledge gaps. Finally, the project will provide insights into the cost-effectiveness of these innovative methods compared to traditional species identification approaches.
As part of the DNAmix project, Marine Ingredients Denmark will be at the forefront of evaluating existing DNA-based techniques for species identification within mixed catches. Moreover, the project will explore the potential of emerging methods to further enhance accuracy and efficiency in species assessment. The project is being led by Professor Einar Nielsen at DTU aqua.
Key Partners:
DTU Aqua, National Institute of Aquatic Resources (Coordinator)
Denmark’s Pelagic Producers Organisation
Denmark’s Fishermen Producers Organisation
Marine Ingredients Denmark
Support and Funding: A Shared Commitment
Marine Ingredients Denmark is dedicated to sustainable practices, and our involvement in the DNAMIX project underscores this commitment. The project is supported by the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund and the Danish Fisheries Agency. Stay tuned for updates and insights from this exciting new project.
Read more about the project here.
Bundtrawlfiskeri har en lavere miljømæssig påvirkning end proteinkilder fra landbruget
Brugen af bundtrawlfiskeri møder ofte modstand grundet dets påvirkning af havbunden og CO2 udledning. En ny videnskabelig gennemgang fra ICES (International Council for The Exploration Of The Sea) viser dog, at bundtravlfiskeri er bæredygtigt når de rette foranstaltninger er på plads og at det har en lavere miljømæssig påvirkning end proteinkilder fra f.eks. landbruget. Fokus bør derfor være på forvaltningen fremfor et evt. forbud.
Det anslås, at bundtrawl udgør 26 % af de globale havfiskerifangster, og er en betydelig kilde til beskæftigelse og madforbrug – ikke mindst i forhold til FN’s mål om bæredygtig udvikling. Ud fra dette perspektiv kan bundtrawl betragtes som en form for fødevareproduktion, og dets bæredygtighed bør sammenlignes med andre metoder til fødevareproduktionen. Som med enhver anden fødevareproduktion har bundtrawl også en miljømæssig påvirkning og ICES’ gennemgang viser, at bundtrawl har en lavere miljømæssig påvirkning end landbrug, når det kommer til f.eks. vandforbrug, antibiotikaforbrug og frigivelse af næringsstoffer.
Monitorering og effektiv styring har vist sig at være særligt nyttigt i forhold til at reducere de negative miljøpåvirkninger af bundtrawlfiskeri. Derudover kan certificeringer såsom Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) sikre, at fiskeriet lever op til bæredygtighedsprincipper. Disse bæredygtighedsevalueringer tager ikke kun hensyn til målbestandens tilstand, men også fangstmetodens havmiljøpåvirkninger og har specifikke kriterier for særligt bundtrawlets påvirkninger i havet. Marine Ingredients Denmark prioriterer bæredygtighed igennem hele værdikæden og er således enig i, at certificeringer som MSC styrker en bæredygtig produktion.
Læs ICES’ gennemgang her.
Du kan også læse mere om bæredygtighed på vores hjemmeside her.
IFRO Udredning: Værdikæder for fisk i Danmark (2023 / 23)
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