
Tobisovervågning – tobislandinger i 2023


The sandeel season started this year on 1 April and the terms applicable to sandeel fishing in 2023 can be read in announcement on immediate regulation no. 16 on the Danish Fisheries Agency’s website click here .

The ICES advice for catching sandeel in each management area in 2023 can be read and downloaded from the ICES website click here .

The sandeel scraping trip carried out by DTU Aqua in November-December 2022 showed a relatively good supply of fry to the sandeel population, and the total Danish sandeel quota in 2023, including year-to-year flex, was 186,267 tonnes (Table 1).

Table 1. Tobis quotas (tonnes) in 2023.

In the figures below, the landings in the 2023 biplane season are compared with previous years’ biplane landings. The twin landings after 11 weeks of fishing (weeks 14-24) are shown with a red line.

The figures shown include landings from both Danish and foreign vessels in all years. The landing figures are official figures from the Danish Fisheries Agency’s database . The landing figures for 2023 are provisional.